Trauer und Freude sind Geschwister

Nachdem ich in den letzten Monaten auch Phasen des Traurigseins durchlebt habe (wer kennt das nicht?) und mir sicher bin, dass diese Phasen nicht die letzten gewesen sein werden, möchte ich ein paar Worte übers Traurig-Sein niederschreiben.

Nicht zuletzt auch deshalb, weil ich diese schönen Zeilen gefunden habe:

Trauer und Freude sind Geschwister.

Traurigsein ist wohl etwas Natürliches. Es ist wohl ein Atemholen zur Freude,

ein Vorbereiten der Seele dazu. (Paula Mendelsohn-Becker)


Jede von uns hat wiederkehrende Phasen, in denen sie niedergeschlagen, betrübt, traurig ist…. Auch wenn wir es meist nicht wahr haben wollen: Traurigsein gehört zum Leben wie die Luft zum Atmen. Stell dir vor, du wärst immer glücklich.

Auch wenn es gerade das ist, was wir alle uns wünschen: ununterbrochen glückseelig sein … aber das wäre falsch verstandene „Erleuchtung“, denn diese ununterbrochene Glückseeligkeit gibt es nicht, nachdem das Leben in ständiger Veränderung und wir mitten drinnen sind. So gehören auch Phasen des Verlustes, des Konflikts, der auch manchmal unbegründeten Trauer mit dazu… die zweite Seite der Medaille…nur wollen wir diese nicht haben – wer findet schon traurig sein „gut“?


Gleichmütig ist jene, die Freude und Trauer gleichermaßen wert schätzt – die weiß, dass auf Phasen der Trauer jene des Glücks folgen werden; ich weiß, es erzeugt meist in jenen, die gerade mitten drinnen stecken im Traurigsein noch mehr Frust, wenn jemand derlei große Worte schwingt…

So will natürlich auch mal die Traurigkeit ihren Raum haben ….

Mutig ist jedoch jene, die mit der Zeit bewusst feststellt und neugierig entdeckt, wie die Traurigkeit in ihr Heim eingezogen ist; jene, die nach einiger Zeit des Trauerns „durchlässig“ wird für Neues…

Asanas können helfen, wieder Boden zu finden, aktiv zu werden – in Bewegung zu kommen… Besonders Stehhaltungen (Virabhadrasanas/Held*innenhaltungen) können helfen, Erdung zu finden. Atemachtsamkeit hilft, Abstand üben – Ausatmen: Loslassen, Abgeben… Einatmen: Neuwerden, Lebendig sein…

LIEBE und VERSTEHEN sind hilfreiche Begriffe, die einer*m in traurigen Phasen daran erinnern, dass Traurigkeit eben dazu gehört zum Leben.

Mögest du die Traurigkeit als vorübergehend erkennen, sie zulassen und auch gehen lassen…mögest du ihr mutig gegenüber treten und erkennen, dass sie nicht weniger wert ist, als das Glück, das ihr nachfolgt…



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  19. Stay with PREMIUM TIMES for the live updates from Nyon, Switzerland as Europe’s big boys get to know the hurdles before them in winning what many consider as the biggest honour in club football. Celtic fined £15,350 for anti-monarchy banner Copyright FIBA All rights reserved. No portion of may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form.By accessing pages, you agree to abide by terms and conditions. Liverpool 0-1 Real Madrid MORE: End of the GOAT debate: Lionel Messi is the greatest of all-time, win or lose the World Cup final If you haven’t done so already, take a moment to sign up for an SB Nation account and join the community at The Liverpool Offside, where we’ll bring you and your fellow Reds fans from around the world full coverage of every Liverpool match from the 2022-23 season in the Premier League, Champions League, and domestic cups along with breaking news, insight and opinion, tactical discussion, and post-match reaction.
    Since 1960, 90 percent of Open champions have been inside the top-ten through 36 holes. Of the 14 previous winners at Royal St George’s, 13 were in sixth place, or better, entering the weekend. That includes the winner in 2011, Darren Clarke, who shared the lead at the halfway point. Nine of the last 12 Open winners were within three of the lead after round two. Justin Harding, Scott Vincent and 2010 British Open winner Louis Oosthuizen all finished one shot below the cut line at 1-over. Phil Mickelson, another former Claret Jug winner, was also among the 13 LIV golfers who failed to advance to the weekend. The 52-year-old Mickelson was even through 18 holes before shooting a 5-over 77 in Round 2. “I’m playing well, I’m playing some of the best golf I’ve played in a long time. I’ve played well in the majors this year without getting the win, but I’ve contended in all of them really. So it’s a good opportunity.”

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  21. :))) о, да, я бы тоже сюда еще густоты добавила :))) Загружается… Через месяц сомнений не было — ресницы действительно стали длиннее. Конечно, они подросли буквально на пару миллиметров, но если их накрасить удлиняющей тушью — такое впечатление, что на сантиметр. Плюс ресницы стали крепче и гуще (особенно заметно во внутренних уголках глаз) и перестали выпадать. А вот цвет ресниц не изменился, тут врать не буду: на кончиках они не потемнели и остались такими же светлыми. С семи лет он был уже вовлечен в театральную жизнь, что и определило его дальнейший путь. Именно в Японии был создан первый «настоящий» метод наращивания наращивание ресниц история наращивание ресниц пучками. На сцене ресницы выглядели отлично, взгляд становился очень выразительным и запоминающимся. Оставьте Ваше сообщение и контактные данные и наши специалисты свяжутся с Вами в ближайшее рабочее время для решения Вашего вопроса.
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  22. Napoli in testa, Milan e Inter seguono. Sorpresa Udinese nelle prime 7, Juventus fuori dal podio. Atalanta fatica, Salernitana in risalita. Sampdoria a rischio retrocessione nonostante cambio allenatore. Dei vincitori si parla spesso, mentre è più raro focalizzare l’attenzione sulle squadre che hanno fatto male. Ed è proprio quello che vogliamo fare qua, analizzare le peggiori squadre della storia della Serie A, con una metrica quantificabile: quelle che hanno fatto meno punti di tutte. Condizione d’obbligo però, avere se non altro lo stesso numero di partite, ovvero lo stesso numero di squadre. In questi novant’anni di Serie A infatti, abbiamo avuto tre tipi diversi di campionato: a 16 squadre, a 18 e a 20 (più una singola stagione a 21 nel 1947). Meglio del Napoli, in Serie A, ha fatto solamente la Juventus con Crisitano Ronaldo facendo 40 punti su 42
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    Pojęcie broni nieśmiercionośnej (NLV – non-lethal weapon. – red.) pojawiło się na początku lat 90. XX wieku i było używane przez dowództwo TRADOC (organizacji szkolenia bojowników, analizy wojskowej i strategii) Stanów Zjednoczonych. W raporcie tej organizacji stwierdzono, że „Stany Zjednoczone podczas różnych lokalnych konfliktów wykazały swoją zdolność do pokonania wroga przy minimalnych stratach dla siebie”. A teraz, jak mówią, armia amerykańska musi nauczyć się minimalizować straty wśród żołnierzy wroga i cywilów. Witryna ma system jednego konta, co oznacza, że każdy gracz może przenosić środki między różnymi grami, w które gra i wygrywa, przy użyciu tej samej nazwy użytkownika i metody płatności. Zawiera również główne lobby, które pozwala przeglądać i wybierać konkretną grę. Posiada również system szybkiego wyszukiwania, wiele stołów, łatwe zakłady i dostosowywanie awatarów.

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    The Match Day is the best website for authentic arsenal memorabilia with a wide range of products available to us fans. Signed memorabilia, accessories or creative art work… it’s all here!! I’ve purchased many times through this website and I’ll continue to do so! Arsenal’s Balogun has been enjoying an outstanding campaign on loan at Ligue 1 outfit Reims. The mum-of-four looked muscular and trim in her workout gear, but her followers' eyes were drawn to her equally famous husband David, who appeared to be naked in the background of one of her posts. As his wife of nearly 24 years smashed an impressive bench dip, the 47-year-old could be seen flexing his muscles in the mirror behind her. Arsenal, on the other hand, have actually been in other dimensions in recent years. In the Champions League the “Gunners“, once a permanent guest in the premier class, hasn’t made it for five years. Arsenal have also had nothing to win in the Premier League for 19 years, since the championship title of the legendary “Invincible“, who had not lost a single game of the season at the time.

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    So if you love water sports and are looking for a new property investment, buying a lake house is perfect for you. When you do buy a property by a lake, make sure to get your own kayak or stand-up paddleboard and take advantage of the beautiful water feature near your home. You can also take a boat out to the middle of the lake and start fishing. “Although offerings vary by location, you’re likely to find options for boating, fishing and paddle boarding,” said Wedgeworth. “The lakes themselves aren’t the only appeal. When on dry land, you might hit a casino (Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania) or theme park (Branson, Missouri), tubing or go-karting (Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin), or enjoy strolling through the shops and restaurants of a historic district (Vermilion, Ohio).” 

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    The Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards Credit Card could be a great choice if you can take advantage of its unlimited 3 percent cash back on dining, entertainment, popular streaming services and at grocery stores (excluding superstores like Walmart and Target). You can get even more value from your bonus categories by converting your cash back to Capital One miles, which the Venture can transfer to travel partners. The SavorOne card’s dining and entertainment categories can be lucrative while you’re traveling too. Capital One miles transfer to partners at a couple of different rates depending on the partner. Here is a list of Capital One Venture transfer partners along with the transfer ratio. The Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card includes limited travel accident insurance when you pay for your travel expenses with your card. It does not provide travel interruption or cancellation coverage, baggage insurance, or trip delay coverage.

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  38. Looking at the context can help to inform your rhetorical analysis. For example, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech has universal power, but the context of the civil rights movement is an important part of understanding why. …you can help students construct a rhetorical analysis for the specific piece of writing that they are examining. Individual Topic Activities In addition to the unit-specific definitions below, I have also uploaded a separate document that contains some more Definitions of Rhetoric. For reference, you might consider the following pairings, which have been recurrent throughout the class. Feel free to return to the lecture outline document and or agenda document, which is also where these definitions are drawn from. We have also more specifically defined rhetoric in the following ways:
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